The Mission Call

The Mission Call
Salem Oregon Mission - Spanish Speaking


Preparing to Serve

Called to Serve

Called to Serve

Called To Serve

Called To Serve

Monday, June 15, 2015

It's Your Girl - Hermana G.

Hi family!

How is everything going? Living the dream in good ole Utah?

Well it has been an awesome week! There isn't a ton of bad new this week so I will start with the bad :) Maria Ortega said that she was maybe not going to have to work on Sunday so that she would be able to come to church. J une 14th is the day we set for her last chance to be.  So we were thinking alright she is just waiting for her last chance but she will come!  So Sunday morning we knocked on her door at 8:30 to try to help her get ready. No one answered. Bummer, but it just clearly isn't her time.

It was Oscar's birthday this week! He turned 12!  So, he got the Aaronic priesthood on Sunday.  He was super excited about that.  Also, Nazario got called to be the 2nd counselor in the Elders Quorum!  We are so happy for him.

We had a lesson with Nazario and Socorro and we taught the law of chastity and the word of wisdom.  Hermano Porras, the ward mission leader, came with us and was super helpful!  He also helped Socorro open up quite a bit!  She told us that every day at work her co-workers say, “Let’s ask the Mormon”.  And people ask her a bunch of questions and she tells them, “I am not a Mormon but I do believe the same things they do”.  We asked her if she believes every thing we teach her.  She told us that everything we have taught her she feel is from God.  Her only question is why would God let bad things happen to good people.  Hermano Porras helped explain that to her and after it was like a light bulb went off and she was like okay that makes sense.

I am not sure what it is but something is different about Socorro this last week.  Usually when we hug her goodbye it’s like hugging a wall.  But we taught them twice this week and she hugged as back and she asked US questions.  She has never asked us questions about anything in our life before. She is warming up poco a poco :)  She came to church, and Relief Society!  She usually goes home after Sunday School but she stayed all three hours.  And also Ana, their daughter that is back from school, was at home so we got to talk to her.  She is such a sweet girl!  She has 3 friends that are on missions right now.  We invited her to church. She said it was too early, but we are going to ask her if she would be interested in taking the lessons.

Friday we had a mission tour with Elder Daniel Johnson!  He is so great.  He and his wife came and spoke to us.  We had like a regular 4 hour zone conference where we got to hear from President and Sister Samuelian and Elder Johnson and his wife.  Elder Johnson talked a lot about our purpose as missionaries and that we are here for others not in any way for ourselves. After we had a member leader meeting.  The Bishop, Relief Society president, Elders quorum president, and ward mission leader and their spouses were all invited to this. It was ALL about missionary work.  Holy smokes it was amazing!  One of our wards biggest struggles is sharing the gospel, and it was all about it!

Elder Johnson asked all the wards to set a goal with the ward council about how many more baptisms they will have this year and how the ward is going to be involved.  I am super excited to hear about that.  

The next meeting was the Lamanite Conference!  All Hispanics from cities basically all around Salem were invited.  Elder Johnson is from Mexico so it was great to have a native speaker talk to the members.  He and his wife talked about the Book of Mormon.  They shared the importance of reading the Book of Mormon EVERY DAY with your family.  Or if no kids are at home then as a couple.  It was so great!  It made me think how great of an experience it was to read the Book of Mormon every summer as a family.

Nazario was at the conference and he told us he understands much better why he needs to read the Book of Mormon every day as a family. It was a great day.

So when we got home Friday night I noticed that my wallet was gone.  We had been all over that day so I had no idea where I lost it. I was super worried. Hermana Bunderson and I were praying and praying hoping to find it!  Saturday morning when we were doing studies someone knocked on our door. I looked out the peephole and it was this "black" lady that Hermana Bunderson and I had seen before with her family. We kept saying how we needed to talk to them, because they just recently moved in and we felt we needed to talk to them.  We answered the door and guess what??  She started talking to us in SPANISH!  I don't mean this to be racist whatsoever but I was so happy she wasn't African American.  She is from Oaxaca Mexico.  She is super nice and we have an appointment with her tomorrow. Oh and the plus is she found my wallet and returned it :)

Well that’s my week for you folks!  I hope you have a fantastic week. I challenge all of you to read the Book of Mormon every day. I promise you that you will see a difference in your life as you apply it to you. I get so excited every morning to read the Book of Mormon because we really can receive so much revelation as we pray and seek for guidance. I love you all!

Hermana Gifford 

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