April 27, 2015
Dear President De Visser
Enclosed is the Honorable Release Certificate for Sister Rebecca Gifford who will soon complete her full-time missionary service in the Oregon Salem Mission. Please give her the enclosed certificate following your personal interview with her.
While here in the Oregon Salem Mission, Sister Gifford was a Senior Companion, Trainer and a Sister Training Leader. She has fulfilled these callings with faith, diligence and obedience.
Off the coast of Oregon stands the fourth largest haystack rock in the world. This rock represents the vision for our new mission which has come through divine inspiration. To our missionaries here in Salem the rock has come to be a very personal representation of the Savior himself. In Doctrine & Covenants 6:34, it states, “Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.” Sister Gifford has learned to build upon that rock, the Savior Jesus Christ, and we trust that she will continue to build upon the rock of Christ all the days of her life.
Sister Gifford is comfortable with, and prepared to share her testimony and experiences with others. We hope that you will call upon her to do so in sacrament meetings and other youth oriented events.
Through serving the Master she has grown closer to Him and become more like Him. So now, with some reluctance, but with great joy, we turn Sister Gifford back to your care and into the loving arms of her family and friends.
We will miss her and will forever pray for her continued growth and fulfillment of all she has been foreordained to accomplish here upon the earth and into the eternities.
With Love,
Michael R. Samuelian
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